Walalma: Did you know? : 28%

The proportion of Senegal's cultivated area planted with millet
September 4, 2023 by
Walalma Senegal
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Walalma: Did you know? : 28%

🌾 28%: that's the share of Senegal's cultivated area occupied by millet.

📊 In 2020, according to FAO, no less than 1,144,855 tons of millet were harvested in Senegal, representing an average market value of 550 billion FCFA, or around 1 Billion USD. 💵

🔊 The year 2023 has been declared "International Year of Millet" by the United Nations General Assembly. #IYM2023

Millet can grow on both very poor and fertile soils. It can also grow in very arid conditions, and does not deplete soil nutrients. It's a cereal that deserves all our attention and that, in addition to being useful, delights gourmands of all ages.

Walalma: Solar services centers impacting rural women: a Nadji.Bi Sénégal project.

Source: https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/https://www.fao.org/millets-2023/fr 

Son: https://www.youtube.com/@DelfaBeatz 


Walalma Senegal September 4, 2023
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