Logo Walalma

Solar services centers impacting rural women



Our solar services centers

are impacting rural women

Solar cereal milling and hulling service

The cereal processing service enables customers to access hulling service (millet) and milling service (millet, sorghum, maize) by paying for services via their prepaid account.


Solar refrigeration and freezing

Solar refrigeration and freezing services enable customers to purchase ice blocks, ice creams and cold drinks via their prepaid account.


Solar-powered chargers

Solar electric charging services enable customers to benefit from charging services for their phones, tablets and laptops via their prepaid account.


Discover our video series

Find out more about Walalma and discover how we provides grain hulling and milling services (millet, sorghum, and maize), as well as refrigeration and freezing services, electricity charging services, and small grocery items, with our digital mobile payment, control and real-time tracking solutions.

Enjoy your viewing

Our main impacts

Securing the food chain

By making it easier for people in the focused villages to eat their own cereals, thanks to a local processing service.

Improving women's health

By giving women access to a local processing service and replacing manual hulling and milling as well as transport on foot to distant services.

Women's liberation

Saving women many arduousness hours of works per week, and hundreds of hours per year and per woman.

Promoting solar energy

By developing grain processing, refrigeration and electrical charging services using off-grid solar energy.

Development of formal work

Developing formal, contractualized salary jobs for women managing service centers

Reducing CO2 emissions

By substituting traditional or diesel-powered electric hulling and milling services.

The technology

Walalma service centers are connected, enabling real-time control of equipment and monitoring of commercial activities.

With prepaid accounts, customers are able to save money and to secure their access to services at any time

Contact-us : 

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Are you looking for a solar mill solution?


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